My husband and I have been through the ups and downs of infertility and pregnancy loss for 8 years. Since beginning this very difficult journey, God has blessed us with a beautiful, healthy 2-year-old boy, as well as two children that I miscarried and that wait for us in heaven with the Lord.
Through times of depression and grief, anger and sadness, heartbreak and pain, God has not only abounded to us in comfort, but He has also increased our hope in Him, our joy in His promises, our faith in His word, and our love for the Savior.
By knowing and believing the truths of Scripture, I find hope to boldly trust in the Lord, fully assured of His word and will concerning infertility. I want to share with you six truths from God’s word regarding infertility and pregnancy loss, praying that you who are grieving infertility can walk in hope and peace and full confidence by knowing God’s truth and trusting His sovereign heart of love.
Please join me at The Purposeful Mom blog. I am guest posting there, praying that through the precious and powerful promises of our Lord, you will find great hope and comfort.
Resting in Jesus.. ♥ ..amanda
Hello. I found this article posted on the Purposeful Mom through Pinterest and wanted to leave you a comment but couldn’t seem to do it on that website. I just wanted to let you know what an encouragement this was to me. I know the Scriptures, I know who the Lord is and His character but it was good to be reminded about it specifically regarding infertility. My husband and I have been trying for almost 4 years to have children, and nothing has happened, and it’s such a hard thing to talk about. I don’t want people’s pity.
I was encouraged to know someone else out there dreamed of being a wife and mother, is busy serving the Lord, and faithful to Him but who has struggled with infertility. I won’t go on an on but this was a blessing to me, and an encouragement that God has given you children. More than anything I want to glorify Him, with children or without. Thank you again for writing this post.
Anna, your faith encourages me and demonstrates the faithfulness of God. You really blessed me by letting me know how this article ministered to you, and I am praying for you this morning for God’s grace to abound to you and for Him to be glorified in your life. I would like to write more about infertility soon, because during my years of infertility and then miscarriage, God brought me to my knees and taught me more how to lean into Him and rest in His sovereignty. I am confident that His grace is sufficient for you, and I am praying that His power will encourage and comfort your heart. Thank you again for your comment. ♥