Do you know very little about the Bible or Christianity? Let’s read through a “skeletal overview” of God’s word!
ALL of God’s word is important to read and know, but until we have a bit of a framework, it can feel challenging to get our bearings when we jump into a new part of the Bible. If you have not heard very much about the Bible, there will be quite a few things in the following chapters that you may not can piece together yet, and that’s okay! You will be able to learn some truths that are vital to a beginning knowledge of God through His word.
I would suggest reading through the following chapters, setting aside a block of time daily (10 minutes? 30 minutes?) to work through this skeletal overview of the Bible.
ALWAYS pray before you begin your reading. You might pray a short Scripture prayer, like,
“Father, please open my eyes to behold wonderful things from Your word.” (Psalm 118:19)
(If you don’t know where the books are located in your Bible, locate your Bible’s index near its front cover. You’ll find the books of the Bible arranged alphabetically, and then you can find the book you are looking for.)
A Skeletal Overview of the Bible*
(printable version below)
Creation and The Fall
Day 1: Genesis 1
Day 2: Genesis 2
Day 3: Genesis 3 (put a big star or mark at Genesis 3:15 = Good News, friends!)
The Flood
Day 4: Genesis 6
Day 5: Genesis 7
Day 6: Genesis 8
Abraham and The Promise
Day 7: Genesis 12:1-3; Genesis 15:1-6
Day 8: Genesis 22:1-18
The Ten Commandments
Day 9: Exodus 20:3-17
Jesus’ Birth
Day 10: Matthew 1:18-25
Jesus’ Power
Day 11: Matthew 8
Day 12: Matthew 9
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
Day 13: Matthew 27
Day 14: Matthew 28
We are all sinners and need a Savior
Day 15: Romans 3:9-31
Day 16: Galatians 3:1-29
Jesus is coming back again!
Day 17: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and John 14:1-6
There is a coming judgment for all who have not trusted in Jesus Christ
Day 18: Revelation 20:11-15
What must I do to be saved?
Day 19: Numbers 21:4-9 and John 3:14-18
Day 20: John 11:1-44
What does the Christian life look like?
Day 21: Romans 8
Precious friend, once you have read through this three week overview of the Bible, do not stop there! What a glorious story awaits you! Why don’t you now read the entire book of John? Or maybe you’d like to read Genesis and then Mark, and then John? Then Acts and Romans?
As you are ready to lengthen your daily time in God’s word, add a Psalm every day to your reading. There are 150 Psalms — just right for reading through the Psalms twice a year. They are the best place to learn to pray, too.
For some ideas on reading the ENTIRE Bible!, I’ve compiled a Pinterest board with ideas I hope you’ll find helpful.
With love,
*This 3 week plan is adapted from a Skeletal Reading Plan that I was taught by Mrs. Joyce Ledlow. She discipled me through my teen years and into my twenties, and I am eternally grateful to God for her. ♥
I am kind of new Christian. And I’v been trying to find a way to introduce my 16 & 13 year old to God and the Bible and the wonderful things only God can bring them. I’ve gone threw a few of the pins on here for help but they all seem to aimed more towards younger kids. But this pin here will be a lot more helpful for me and my kids. I can’t wait to start thank you so much.
Pierina, I’m so excited to hear that! You just made my day. <3 If your teens are new to the Bible and don't know the Lord yet, I also recommend Kay Arthur's Bible study book, "God, Are You There?" It is based on the book of John, and it would be a wonderful way for you and your children to dig into the Bible and learn important elements of how to study the Bible.
Great. I will check into it. Any other tips are greatly appreciated.